What we offer
- Advice and support for start-up Bioregions
- ‘Bioregioning’ presentations, coaching, facilitation
- Whole Systems presentations, coaching, facilitation
- Regenerative design frameworks and coaching
Action Learning in South Devon
- Bioregional Learning Journeys for Resilience in South Devon
- Devon Doughnut presentations, knowledge sharing
- Arts-based events and programme partnership
- Funding bid collaboration
- Research, writing and design commissions
Coming soon!
- Starter course for new bioregions, a journey using our road map for regions that want to bioregion
- Workshop for people who want to professionalise their leadership of whole systems change
Postgraduate guest lecturing:
Ecological Design Thinking, Schumacher College
This course offers a chance to join a growing network of design thinkers around the world working within a series of hubs operating within communities and enterprises. Ecological Design Thinking is about using holistic approaches to unravel complex situations involving multiple stakeholders. Students learn how to apply a variety of skills and techniques to arrive at a creative solution.
“I wanted to say thank you for spending so much time with us during our bioregions modules at Schumacher. I really enjoyed our time at the reservoir and with you in the EDT building. You have a fabulous presentation style, so engaging and captivating. Master storyteller. Loved the days together, the learnings are still percolating.” – Student, January 2022

Postgraduate teaching module:
Bioregioning by Design – generating transformative stories of place
Piloted at Schumacher College in 2016, this module brings together wise practitioners (in this case Pamela Mang and Joel Glanzberg of the Regenesis Group with writer and sustainable design advocate John Thackara). The exploration of the regenerative design approach, Story of Place, is combined with a number of visits into the bioregion. Integral to the course, a day of design and problem-busting around local food systems brings local people into an exploration of bioregional working and food sheds.

Undergraduate teaching module:
Bioregioning by Design – for interdisciplinary design students
Piloted in 2015 with the Department of Architecture and Design at Plymouth University, second year BA (Hons) 3-D Design students are given a brief to design an intervention that would bring a bioregion to life; a physical Bioregioning hub or related theme such as the role of renewables. We ask students to ground their work in real needs, taking into account the influence they might have on people’s lives and the ecology of the places they visit. Deliverables are open-ended; products, services, artifacts, objects, experiences, places or spaces. A wide range of solutions are produced; architectural, sculptural, engineered, technological.

- 8th International Degrowth Conference, 2021
- Sustainable Earth 2021, Plymouth University
- Community Wealth Building in Devon and the South West online event, 2021
- Policy Makers’ Summit online event, 2021
- The Devon Doughnut, Bold Change Conference, 2021
- Blue Marble Webinar, 2021
- Happy Museums webinar, 2020
- Leverage Points Conference (Leuphana University, Luneburg, Germany), 2019
- Connectle Regenerative Leadership 2 webinar, 2019
- Oxford Real Food Conference, 2018, 2019
- Women of the World, Exeter, 2018
- Regenerative Communities Network guest facilitator, ongoing

We work in and at the intersection of economy, ecology, learning, arts and culture and the gaps in between.