Climate Adaptation in South Devon
Finding pathways to action for citizens and policymakers
As the climate changes, how can communities join together in adapting and becoming more resilient? Alongside crucial efforts to mitigate climate change, now is the time to consider how all of us can actively work towards local climate adaptation. This is in the practical work of flood preparation, food growing or nature restoration, but also in coming together as citizens to learn, think and plan. See how BLC is going about this.
Our latest project exploring
Local Climate Adaptation:
NEW! Watch our short film to see remarkable and heartening stories of resourcefulness and find out what climate adaptation means to people. LEARN MORE: download our Climate Adaptation Discussion Paper here
Read the Climate Adaptation Discussion Paper
Click here to download our discussion paper
Next Steps:
We have created this film and written our discussion paper to begin new conversations with local community and policymakers. We would love to connect with you: find out how you can get involved below!
Host your own community discussion and film screening
Click here to request a high resolution file of the film, and worksheets to support your conversations
Request one of our limited free workshops
Click here to request a free BLC workshop and film screening
Tell us your reflections on the discussion paper
Click Here
Share your feedback about our film
Click Here
Reach out to John McKay, South Hams District Councillor
Let John know what your think about our Climate Adaptation plans HERE
Learn more about our incredible film maker Emilio
Click Here
Want to take this further?
Are you a councillor, policymaker, academic or someone who takes a deeper interest? Read our Discussion Paper for Climate Adaptation in South Devon for further insights below and let us know what you think.

BLC has committed the next 18 months to working on the adaptation agenda with South Hams District Council, Sustainable South Hams, and with communities. Some of our suggested pathways to action for citizens are:
- Setting up a community and council stakeholder forum to help develop a Climate Adaptation Strategy for South Devon
- Sharing knowledge, data, expertise and resources in an online network
- Investing in local action: hiring lengthsmen or building volunteer teams to tackle adaptation priorities, like managing flood risk or mending potholes
- Supporting the creation of revenue-generating projects, such as community energy societies, that can then use the revenue for adaptation within the community
- Businesses encouraged to explore the possibilities for regenerative and eco-friendly tourism that does not deplete our resources
- Farmers building stronger relationships with their local communities and selling directly to them.
Seeing What’s Possible Our Learning Journey
Adaptation requires us to think in ‘wholes’ – whole rivers, whole landscapes, whole systems. To inform this work, BLC led a Learning Journey for Climate Adaptation from 3rd-7th June 2024. During that week we gathered evidence of how farming, communities, town councils and others are already adapting, and what is needed to grow future resilience.
Our hosts demonstrated the kinds of changes that are possible–in regenerative farming, renewable energy, community collaboration, health and social care, biodiversity, flood prevention and response, food availability, and innovation. Among other places, we visited Porsham Farm, the Apricot Centre, the Dartmoor Headwaters Project, Flete Field Lab, the Avon Valley Project, Kingsbridge Climate Action and Riverford. As a result of this exploration, BLC is now recommending the development of a robust joined-up local adaptation strategy & adaptation network across South Devon that leads to action.

This BLC project is funded by South Hams District Council and in collaboration with Sustainable South Hams.

We work in and at the intersection of economy, ecology, learning, arts and culture and the gaps in between.